Frequently asked questions and their answers

Frequently asked questions and their answers

How many fish are allowed in an aquarium?

How many fish are allowed in an aquarium? This question is often asked by beginners. Unfortunately, the maximum number of fish is often ignored, so it ends up in an aquarium that has far too many inhabitants. This overstocking can stress fish or also strongly influence the water values, which in the worst case …

How much does an aquarium cost?

How much does an aquarium cost? The cost of a tank depends on several factors, such as the size of the aquarium, the type of fish and the amount of equipment needed.

The cost of an aquarium also depends on whether …

How often do you need to do a water change?

How often you have to do a water change can vary greatly. Influential factors are, for example, the aquarium size, the stocking density and the amount of planting. For a nano tank (especially those without a filter), an aquarium with many animals or little planting, it is recommended …

How long should the light shine in the aquarium?

How long should the light shine in the aquarium?
This question concerns every aquarist after setting up the tank.
There is no blanket answer to this question, but you should set the connected timer so that the light is approximately …

What to do about algae in the aquarium?

Algae often appear, especially during the start-up period. This often raises the question, what to do against algae in the aquarium?

Often the algae formed during the start-up phase disappear from the …

Why are my fish swimming at the surface?

Why are my fish swimming at the surface? If this is the case, a generous water change should be done immediately (80-90%). The reason for this is that the …

Should the filter outlet be under or above water?

Should the filter outlet be under or above water? Especially often ask this question beginners in aquaristics. There is no clear answer to this question, because how the outflow is oriented depends on the characteristics of the tank.
Basically, however, the more the surface moves, the higher the …

How often do you need to clean an aquarium filter?

How often do you need to clean an aquarium filter? Before answering this question, it should first be clear when and why a filter needs to be cleaned regularly.

To determine whether the filter needs to be cleaned, there are two methods.
When the water flow …

What to do with the aquarium in case of power failure?

What to do with the aquarium during a power outage? Since many power outages are usually only of shorter duration, you should not worry immediately. Only if the failure lasts several hours, there may be a need for action.
In the aquarium there are usually three electrical devices: lighting, heating and filter …

What to do when aquarium plants get holes?

What to do when aquarium plants get holes?
Often, in the beginning, you observe only small dots on a leaf. After some time these turn into clearly visible holes. Often these are black or even yellow bordered.
If this is the case, you should definitely …

How to cut aquarium plants correctly?

How to cut aquarium plants correctly? This question can not be answered in a general way, because you have to distinguish between the plants.

*floating plants
*Stem plants

How powerful should the aquarium lighting be?

When buying a tank, the question always arises as to how the aquarium will be illuminated. Especially beginners often buy starter sets, which have a light source included. However, in almost all cases, this light is very weak. As a result, it is usually only possible to maintain aquarium plants with low requirements. These include, for example…

How big should the first aquarium be?

At the beginning of every new aquarium you ask yourself how big the new tank should be. For beginners or for those returning to the aquarium, it is important that the new aquarium is not too small. This means that a nano aquarium should not be used.
A standard tank with 54l is the minimum. Ideally, however, it has…

How do I feed dwarf shrimp correctly?

Dwarf shrimp do not feed exclusively on “normal” food. Therefore, daily feeding is not recommended. Instead, it is sufficient if feeding takes place once to three times a week.
However, how often feeding really needs to be done also strongly depends on…

How do I promote the reproduction of my dwarf shrimp?

Reproduction of some dwarf shrimp is relatively simple. You do not have to pay attention to anything special. For a few other species, however, breeding is not quite so simple.

Tips and tricks for dwarf shrimp breeding:

Dwarf shrimp molting: how often and what are the problems?

This question can not be answered in a general way, because dwarf shrimp grow and shed their skin throughout their lives. These animals must shed their old skin in order to grow. Therefore, the intervals between molts become longer and longer, the older the animal is. When the animal is fully grown, they molt approximately every…

What aquarium filter do I need?

An aquarium filter is a mostly essential device that helps keep the water clean and “healthy”. However, there are different types of filters that are suitable for different aquariums. An important decision to make is whether you need an…

How to feed fish properly?

Feeding aquarium fish is an important part of keeping them healthy and well. However, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure that your fish are fed properly.

One of the most important rules when feeding aquarium fish is not to…

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