Kampffische (Betta)

Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish)

Fighting fish are becoming more and more popular, which has several reasons. These fish can be kept even in very small aquariums, so-called nano aquariums. In addition, these animals come in a wide variety of fin shapes and colors, which makes it possible to find a suitable specimen for everyone. Due to the special fins and colors, the betta fish immediately catches the eye of every aquarium observer.

Water parameters for betta fish

  • PH value: 5.5 – 7.5
  • GH (total hardness): 5° – 15° dGH
  • KH (carbonate hardness): < 4° dKH
  • Temperature: 24° – 30°C


These fish usually grow between 5 and 8 cm, with females usually staying a bit smaller. Fighting fish come in a wide variety of patterns and colors. Thus, there are monochromatic or multicolored spotted specimens (candy koi). The fin shape can also vary greatly. For example, there are fish with frayed fins (Crowntail) or animals with a complete semicircle (Halfmoon). Especially the male specimens impress with their special fins.


To stimulate spawning behavior, it is useful to give enough live food. When the male is ready, he builds a foam nest on the water surface or for example under floating plants. When mating, the male chases the female around the tank until the female lays the eggs and they sink to the bottom. Then the male collects the eggs and places them in the foam nest.

Keeping betta fish

Fighting fish are basically easy to care for. Nevertheless, some factors should be considered in an aquarium. It is recommended that these fish be kept alone and that a female be used only for reproduction. Additionally, it should be noted that betta fish, shrimp and possibly snails hunt and eat. The aquarium does not need to be particularly large, which is why these animals are often found in nano tanks. However, these should be at least 30 liters. The tank should be very heavily planted so that the fish can hide. Ideally, it should not be possible to see the back wall when looking into the aquarium from the front. It is also important that strong currents are prevented by a filter or similar. Therefore, the filter outlet should beam against a wall or other fixture, for example. With regular water changes, it would be possible to operate the tank without a filter. Live food or frozen food should definitely be used as food. Granules or similar should only serve as supplementary food.

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