

Corys belong to the classics in the aquaristics. Due to the fact that these animals are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns, and also due to their unusual burrowing in the substrate, these fish enjoy great popularity. Since the fish stay without exception at the bottom and eat there, food remains and thus rotting in the bottom are prevented.

Water parameters for corydoras

  • PH value: 6 – 8
  • GH (total hardness): 5° – 20° dGH
  • KH (carbonate hardness): 2° – 10° dKH
  • Temperature: 22° – 26°C


Corydoras usually grow between 4 and 7 cm in size, although they can also grow between 2 and 12 cm, depending on the species. Typical for these fish are the barbels, which can be found around the mouth. These fishes also come in different colors and patterns. So there are both unicolored and spotted specimens. The color can vary from white to black.


When breeding, care should be taken that there are more males than females in the tank. To increase the spawning readiness, a diet with a lot of protein is important. Live food is particularly suitable for this purpose. Often a change in temperature, for example by a water change, can ensure that mating begins. Mating can be recognized by the female swimming excitedly through the tank. Then the female sticks the eggs to a smooth surface. It is important to note that Corydoras eat their own eggs, which is why you should remove them and place them in their own rearing tank.

Keeping corydoras

Corys have few requirements. In the aquarium itself, however, there is to note that as a substrate, sand or rounded gravel with a small diameter is used. This is important, since these fish look for food by digging in the ground. These fish should never be kept alone. A group size of at least 5 specimens is therefore necessary, mixing between different species. Despite this number, already a 60 l tank is sufficient to keep these animals. The more Corydoras one uses, the larger the aquarium or the available floor space should be. In addition, hiding places should be created by roots or stones to offer retreat possibilities. When feeding these animals, it must be noted that food also reaches the bottom and can be found there and is not eaten in front of it by other aquarium inhabitants.

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