Beginner fish

Beginner fish

Especially in the beginning, beginners in aquaristics often ask themselves the question of which fish to put in the first aquarium. For newcomers it makes sense to buy beginner fish. These are often more tolerant with the water values and also with the feeding. This allows you to get in touch with fish for the first time and not have to be too careful. After gaining experience, more demanding animals can then be successfully maintained.

8 popular beginner fish

Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

The guppy is probably the best known aquarium fish. These beginner-friendly animals can be kept from 54l. Additionally, they come in a great many color variations.
Size: 2 – 6 cm
age: 2 – 3 years
at least 5 – 6 specimens
PH-value: 6,5 – 8
Temperature: 22° – 28°C

Red neon tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

This tetra is one of the most popular aquarium fish in existence. The Red Neon can be kept in as little as a 54l aquarium, impressing any onlooker with its eye-catching colors.
Size: 4 – 5 cm
age: 3 – 6 years
at least 10 specimens
PH-value: 5 – 6,5
Temperature: 23° – 29°C

Antenna catfish (Ancistrus)

With their distinctive antlers, the males impress every observer of the aquarium. With an aquarium size of at least 112l, these animals fit into a great many tanks.
Size: up to 13 cm
Age: 2 – 3 years
Single or pair keeping
PH-value: 5,8 – 8
Temperature: 20° – 28°C

Panda Corydoras (Corydoras panda)

Probably the best known animal when looking for a fish for the bottom. With only 54l this sociable catfish can already be kept successfully.
Size: about 5 cm
Age: up to 10 years
at least 5 specimens
PH-value: 6 – 8
temperature: 23° – 26°C

Tiger barb (
Puntigrus tetrazona)

The Sumatran barb is extremely active and easy to care for and can be kept in aquariums from 112l. In addition, it impresses with its attractive appearance.
Size: 6 – 7 cm
Age: up to 7 years
at least 8 specimens
PH-value: 6 – 8
Temperature: 22° – 26°C

Black Molly (Poecilia sphenops)

By the completely black color the Black Molly is known. With its peaceful nature, it already finds enough space to live in tanks with only 54l.
Size: 6 – 8 cm
age: 3 – 5 years
at least 5 – 6 specimens
PH-value: 7 – 8
Temperature: 24° – 30°C

Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)

Platy’s are available in a wide variety of colors. Due to its body size and the uncomplicated attitude already an aquarium with a size of 54l is sufficient.
Size: 3 – 6 cm
age: about 4 years
at least 5 specimens
PH-value: 7 – 8
Temperature: 18° – 25°C

Siamese fighting fish (Betta Splendens)

Especially the distinctive fins and colors of the male fighting fish have led to their fame. Already in a 20-30l aquarium this fish feels comfortable.
Size: 6 – 8 cm
Age: 2 – 5 years
Single keeping
PH-value: 5,5 – 7,5
Temperature: 24° – 30°C

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